24/25 FI — Ilkka Iijalainen | Leroy Purnama | Matti Tanskanen | Valentina Bravo | Vinski Valos    
24/25 PT — Ana Sousa Santos | Carlos Fonseca | Frederico Maia | Isabel Simões Pinto | Mário Afonso    



Linkki aims to establish sustainable, long-term collaborations with international partners to support Finland based artists and curators in developing their exhibitions, art projects, and residencies abroad. It also facilitates visits by artists and curators from abroad to Finland.

The project is dedicated to building a professional network that connects artists, curators, and other professionals, creating new collaborations and opportunities. By promoting cross-cultural exchange, Linkki seeks to develop innovative projects and provide art professionals with the chance to learn from diverse cultural environments. At its core, the project aims to establish a platform for dialogue between international artistic communities and those in Finland. Currently, the focus is on building dialogue between the artistic communities of Finland (Helsinki) and Portugal (Aveiro/Porto). 

This edition of the project is curated by Márcia Correia.


FI — Ilkka Iijalainen (Artist), Leroy Purnama (Artist), Matti Tanskanen (Photographer/Artist), Valentina Bravo (Artist), Vinski Valos (Artist)
PT — Ana Sousa Santos (Artist/Curator), Carlos Fonseca (Producer), Frederico Maia (CEO Farl Cork - Estação Partner), Isabel Simões Pinto (Councillor for Culture at Estarreja City Council), Mário Afonso (Artist and Director of Estação Galery)

Project by Márcia Correia



April 2025
Art Alive Festival 

Our group will participate in the Art Alive Festival which is part of the S+T+ARTS Regional Centre project GRIN. This project promotes innovation through art, focusing on digital and green transitions across Europe. S+T+ARTS is funded by the European Union.

The festival will bring together artists and innovators to explore how creativity can tackle today’s environmental challenges and inspire new ideas for a more sustainable future.

June 2025Farl Cork Artist Residency

The Farl Cork Art Residency is a collaborative project developed in partnership with Estação Canelas Gallery, Farl Cork, and the City Councils of Estarreja and Coruche. This residency will explore the cultural and ecological significance of cork, highlighting its role as both an innovative material and a symbol of sustainability.

Artists will have the opportunity to investigate cork’s potential while addressing broader themes of sustainability, ecology and accessibility. 

The residency aims to align with global efforts to reduce environmental impact, offering a creative platform for artists to engage with the urgent challenges of our time.

Exchange Programme


17-24 June 2024

Programme FI PT

1. Workshop: Estação Viva with Mário Afonso (private)

2. Launch Project Linkki (public)

Date & Venue:
June 20th, 2024 — 19:00-20:30
Estação Canelas Gallery

3. Workshop with artist Ana Sousa Santos (private)

4. Gathering/Guided tour: Local Fauna and Flora of Canelas by Associação Conservação Fauna e Flora — Canelas - Fermelã (private)

5. Guided tour: Porto’s Art Scene (private)

Photos by Matti Tanskanen

1-8 July 2024

Programme PT FI

1. Performance: Ana Sousa Santos (public)

Date & Place:
July 6th, 2024 — 18:00-20:00
Hesperian Esplanadi

2. Workshop: Helsinki Art Scene (private) — Myymälä2 Gallery

3. Talk: Estação: Bridging Art and Business with Frederico Maia, Isabel Simões Pinto, Mário Afonso and Ana Sousa Santos (public)

Date & Venue:
July 4th, 2024 — 16:00-18:00
Group Room 3, Oodi Library

4. Guided tour: Helsinki’s Art Scene (private)

5. Studio Visit: Artist Valentina Bravo (private)

Photos by Matti Tanskanen





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